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Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics (5th Edition) - eBook

Market Assessment with OR Applications - eBook

Soft Computing: Techniques in Engineering Sciences - eBook

Methods of Mathematical Modelling: Fractional Differential Equations - eBook

Advanced Engineering Mathematics with Mathematica - eBook

Recent Advances in Mathematics for Engineering - eBook

Advanced Engineering Mathematics (7th Edition) - Peter O'Neil - eBook

Focus on Nursing Pharmacology (8th Edition) - eBook

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, Skill Development - eBook

Introductory Algebra (11th Edition) - eBook

Managing Human Resources (12th Edition) - eBook

Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, The Business School Edition (5th Edition) - eBook

The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets (12th Global Edition) - eBook

Control Systems Engineering (8th Edition) - eBook

Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets (11th Edition) - eBook

Transmutations, Singular and Fractional Differential Equations with Applications to Mathematical Physics - eBook

Mathematics Applied to Engineering and Management - eBook

Mathematical Methods in Engineering and Applied Sciences - eBook