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Spheres of Influence: How to Create and Nurture Authentic Business Relationships by Brad Englert - eBook

The Neuroscience Of Dopamine Detox: Why Dopamine Fasting Doesn't Work And What To Do Instead To Reset Your Dopamine Levels, Take Back Control Of Your Brain And End Laziness by Andrew Humington, NeuroMastery Lab - eBook

Jeanette K. Gundel, Nancy Hedberg, "Reference: Interdisciplinary Perspectives" - eBook

Humanizing Artificial Intelligence: Psychoanalysis and the Problem of Control by Luca M. Possati - eBook

Colt McCoy, "I Am Second: Real Stories. Changing Lives." - eBook

Carrie Rohman, "Stalking the Subject: Modernism and the Animal" - eBook

Ram Dass, Daniel Goleman, Dwarkanath Bonner, "Journey of Awakening: A Meditator's Guidebook" - eBook

The Book You Want Everyone You Love To Read (and maybe a few you don't): THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER by Philippa Perry - eBook

The Art of Constructive Critique: Strategies for Personal and Professional Growth by SHARAD GUPTA - eBook

Peter Baldock, "The Place of Narrative in the Early Years Curriculum: How the Tale Unfolds" - eBook

Jerome Groopman, "Proper Doctoring: A Book for Patients and their Doctors" - eBook

Ian Stuart-Hamilton, "Dictionary of Psychological Testing, Assessment and Treatment" - eBook

John S. Wodarski PhD, Sophia F. Dziegielewski PhD LCSW, "Human Behavior and the Social Environment: Integrating Theory and Evidence-Based Practice" - eBook

Scott Lloyd Dewitt, "Writing Inventions: Identities, Technologies, Pedagogies" - eBook

When We Are Seen: How to Come Into Your Power and Empower Others Along the Way by Denise Young - eBook

Marc David, "Nourishing Wisdom: A Mind-Body Approach to Nutrition and Well-Being" - eBook

The Logic of the Body: Retrieving Theological Psychology (Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology) by Matthew A. LaPine - eBook

Windy Dryden, "Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: Distinctive Features Ed 3" - eBook