Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction (8th Edition) - eBook

Nonverbal Communication In Human Interaction, 8th edition, (PDF) is the most comprehensive and readable compendium of research and theory on nonverbal communication accessible today. Penned by a communication scholar and two social psychologists, the ebook gives an interdisciplinary approach to the study of nonverbal communication that shows how it impacts a wide variety of academic interests. The theory and research included in this textbook comes from scholars with a very broad variety of academic backgrounds, including communication, anthropology, counseling, psychiatry, psychology, and linguistics. The 8th edition includes new material on nonverbal messages and technology/media that covers the growing amount of communication that is mediated by some form of technology and newly added text boxes that inform readers with cutting-edge research questions and findings and attract your real-life concerns.


“Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction 8e continues to demonstrate how knowledge of nonverbal messages can affect how one communicates successfully in the real world.”

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NOTE: This product only includes the ebook, NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION IN HUMAN INTERACTION, 8th edition, in PDF. Access codes are not included.

Tags: #1133311598, #9781133311591, #Humans, #Interactions

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