Now introducing Essentials of Investments, 9th Global Edition (ePub/PDF), by Alex Kane, Zvi Bodie, and Alan J. Marcus.
We are pleased to present this 9th Global Edition, which has been developed specifically to meet the needs of international Investment students. A market leader in the field, this textbook emphasizes asset allocation while presenting the practical applications of investment theory without unnecessary mathematical detail. The 9th edition includes new coverage on the roots and fallout from the recent financial crisis and provides increased content on the changes in market structure and trading technology.
Enhancements to this new Global 9th Edition include:
– Revised end-of-chapter material includes brand new global questions and global internet exercises that feature currencies, companies and scenarios from the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and Asia to increase engagement for international university students.
– Revised worked examples illustrate problems using both fictional and real scenarios from across the world to help investment students develop their problem-solving skills. Regional examples include Hutchinson Whampoa (Asia), KLM Royal Dutch Airlines (The Netherlands) and The Emirates Group (The Middle East).
– New ‘On the market front’ boxes highlight important investment concepts in real world situations across the globe, to promote student thinking without taking a full case study approach. Topics include short-selling in Asia and Europe, credit default swaps and the debt crisis in Greece and include examples from Commerzbank, Facebook, JP Morgan, Santander, Coca-Cola, The European Energy Exchange, plus many more.
NOTE: This sale only includes the global version of Bodie’s Essentials of Investments, 9th Edition in original ePub format. A converted PDF is also available on request. No access codes included.
Tags: #9780077148249, #Bodies, #Essential, #Investment
Get it from: https://collegestudenttextbook.org/product/essentials-of-investments-9th-global-edition-pdf/
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